We Need to Stop Working for Disney and Warner

Originally posted at BadAzz Mofo.

As anyone who knows me — or knows my work — can tell you, I’m something of a pop culture nut. I love movies and comic books and television… okay, not so much television these days… but you get my point. I’m eagerly awaiting the new Captain America movie, I go to the comic book store at least once a month and pick up a variety of titles, and I still buy movies on DVD (because I’m not going to invest in a blu-ray player). And with all the things that I consume as a middle-aged geek, I tend to keep an eye open on any number of websites for news and updates about this thing and that thing that will no doubt take some of my disposable income because, let’s face it, I’m a sucker.

And just like so many other geeks — or, if you prefer, nerds — I have a tendency to post about the things I read, either on Twitter or Facebook, or both. That bit of news a few weeks ago about John Boyenga of Attack the Block possibly being in the new Star Wars movie? I posted about it. The new trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past? I posted it. The preview of some new comic from DC that looks terrible? I posted it. Like so many other people with the unfortunate habit of spending too much time on the Internet and engaging in the insidious time-suck known as social media, I post a ton of stuff.

Here’s the thing that I’ve begun to realize, and it is becoming a problem for me: I am essentially doing public relations work for major corporations, not getting paid for it, and then turning around and giving my hard-earned dollars to those same corporations that I’ve been publicizing for free.

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