NOC Review: Fun ‘Fast X’ is X-ceptionally Stupid

At this point, I don’t have to preface this with any sort of message warning people about the Fast and Furious franchise being incredibly stupid. I did this for F9 in 2021. And it should be obvious we’re getting more of the same from Fast X. These aren’t good movies. But why in the world would you go in expecting them to be? You go to a Fast and Furious movie looking for guilty-pleasure fun. And honestly, for better or worse, they still deliver on that lowest common denominator sense of entertainment.

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The Final ‘Fast X’ Trailer Goes into Overdrive

This Friday marks the beginning of the end for the Fast and Furious franchise! And we’ll have a review of Fast X for everyone coming later this week. But before we begin the countdown, Universal has just dropped a final trailer for the latest installment in the “family” franchise today. Check it out right here!

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FDI Cast 141: I. Am. Vengeance!

It’s another SPOILER filled review time. This time, the boss joins us to point out all the ways in which Jamie is wrong for his dislike of the latest Batman movie. We also break news which was breaking when we recorded but is now old and crusty by the time this gets posted.

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