Kickstart This: Black

Over the years, we’ve been pretty selective about which crowdfunding campaigns to support on this site. Once in a while, though, a campaign comes through our inbox or news feed that is too brilliant to ignore. The campaign to publish the graphic novel Black is one of those. Created by long time comic pros Kwanza Osajyefo and Tim Smith 3, with art by occasional NOC contributor Jamal Igle and cover artist Khary Randolph, Black posits the question, what if only Black people had superpowers?

After miraculously surviving being gunned down by police, a young man learns that he is part of the biggest lie in history. Now he must decide whether it’s safer to keep it a secret or if the truth will set him free.

BLACK is a 120-page story that is comprised of six chapters. If we reach our funding goal, we’ll begin work to release issues monthly on digital platforms starting mid-2016.

Click here to support the project, and help promote the campaign with the hashtag #goBLACK.

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