RADIANCE Gala Celebrates API Women and Non-Binary Luminaries in Entertainment

CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment), the organization leading the charge for API in entertainment, has announced their inaugural event RADIANCE, celebrating the achievements of API Women and Non-Binary luminaries in entertainment. The event will be held on Tuesday, March 21 at The Ebell in Los Angeles.

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#AACC2017: Warrior Women — Reimagining the Asian Female Hero

Recorded live during the Asian American ComiCon Summit on Art, Action, and the Future.

In the wake of Wonder Woman​, with Mulan on the horizon, what should we expect in a rich, textured, powerful and provocative Asian (or Asian American!) heroine? What’s worked, what hasn’t and why has it taken so damned long?

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The Nerds of ‘Hamilton’

For this week’s edition of Hard NOC Life, we’re changing it up and focusing our attention on a genre that doesn’t get much attention on the site: musical theater! At a time when Hollywood still thinks it’s risky business to put people of color in their movies, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton is literally poppin’ a squat on conventional wisdom, like it or not. With its company of African American, Latinx, and Asian American actors playing the men (and women) who founded our country, Hamilton is proof that diversity equals box office. Joining Keith to talk all things Ham, are super-fan Constance Gibbs, Hollywood Reporter Rebecca Sun, and #OscarsSoWhite creator April Reign.

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N.O.C. One-Shot: Whitewashing in Black and Yellow

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Fresh Off the Boat star recently caused controversy after likening studio attempts to make Scarlett Johansson seem “more Asian” to the practice of blackface. In this One-Shot, the author of that article, Rebecca Sun, and #OscarsSoWhite creator April Reign join Keith to discuss the problematic nature of that analogy and why it’s important for non-black people of color communities to reach out rather than co-opt.

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