Zaria and Mallory Bechtel Preview ‘Pretty Little Liars: Summer School’

Zaria and Mallory Bechtel play Faran Bryant and Kelly Beasley in Pretty Little Liars: Summer School, which takes place within the existing PLL universe and after the events of Original Sin. The first two episodes will premiere Thursday, May 9, followed by one new episode weekly on Max.

Following the harrowing events of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, our Pretty Little Liars face a fate worse than death – summer school. However, Millwood High isn’t the only thing getting in the way of their fun summer jobs and new, dreamy love interests. A new villain, who may or may not have a connection to A, has come to town and is going to put them all to the test.

Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

“We had so many scenes, both with me as Karen and Kelly, where we were just butting heads, going for the throat, or being shady and sneaky and there was always this tension between us. And so, when we finally got to that moment — [in] season one, where Faran comes and discovers that Kelly’s been hurting herself, and we have this moment where I confide in her and we have that hug at the end. Then, she ends up going to Sheriff Beasley and standing up for her,” Bechtel explained while looking back on how the dynamic between their characters has developed. “To have that scene was so gratifying and I think maybe that is what might stand out about our relationship is we’re enemies to lovers, baby.”

Zaria added, “I would say exactly that on the acting front and us as characters, but I also think that there is just some sort of organic authenticity about how Mal shows up in the world that really pulls me towards her as a person. I feel like it doesn’t turn off when she becomes Kelly, even though Kelly and Faran have some talking to do sometimes, and maybe some on my side, Faran has some talking [and] some explaining to do to Kelly sometimes. But I think that it’s really special when you have an actor that you can work with and bounce ideas off with, and feel like you have a friend and so, I’m really grateful.”

Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

We discussed why the relationship between their characters is such a standout, their thoughts on Bloody Rose, which episodes they’re most excited for fans to watch, and more.

Watch my interview here:

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