Kelly Marie Tran Stars in ‘Passenger List,’ a New Audio Drama Premiering Today

That’s right, you do not have to wait ’til December’s release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker to hear from Kelly Marie Tran, because she stars in Passenger List, a new mystery thriller podcast arriving today from Radiotopia! Our favorite Space Asian actor voices the lead character Kaitlin Le in this fictional narrative involving “a missing plane, a cabin full of suspects, a search for truth.”

Here’s an exclusive audiogram trailer for the series, introduced by Ms. Tran:

The voice cast also includes Patti Lupone, Colin Morgan, and Rob Benedict, as well as friends of the NOC Elyse Dinh and George Nguyen. Nguyen plays Kien, Kaitlin’s father, and notes that “Kelly is amazing and very great to work with.” We’re happy to note that Passenger List features actors of Vietnamese descent playing Vietnamese characters, adding that extra bit of specific Asian authenticity that is a.) optional in the grander scheme of Asian American casting representation, and b.) kinda makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Regular readers will know that Ms. Tran’s journey through Star Wars Episodes VIII and IX is a favorite topic here at NOC. We’ve cheered for Rose Tico at San Diego Comic Con, worn her visage on custom apparel (also available for BABIES!), and endeavored to spread Rose’s resistant message of love.

(Psst! The Nerds of Color will be premiering its own science-fiction audio drama soon, featuring an all-POC main cast, trailers and more details to drop very soon! Or just start subscribing now because you like this kind of thing.)

Passenger List premieres today all across the podcast-verse, with weekly episodes to follow. Based on its spooky, evocative trailer, we’ll certainly be listening in.